Legal Tech

Focused to combine innovation and legal matters in order to offer to our clients the best service.
P&G goal is the legal profession renewal in order to achieve its improvement in compliance with ethic principles.
AI helps trasform contracts from blockers to enablers, making business faster, more collaborative and more controlled.

We assist you to implement a new blockchain and we take care of the compliance with the applicable law in order to have an effective and efficient system.

As a matter of fact we can offer a high level of service thanks to a very strong connection with each of our Tech Partners and we can be a qualified reference point for the research under a legal and technological point of view for the following matters:

  • blockchain, cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence;
  • machine learning;
  • Smart Contract;
  • coding for lawyers;
  • profiling and big data science;
  • Legal Tech impacts on the Data Protection Regulations and confidentiality requirements.

We suggest the following links to be aware of the European and Italian position on these arguments and the Italian applicable law:

The European Union Blockchain Observatory

The Italian Ministry of economic development

Here above the main benefits of Legal Tech

Thanks to our Legal Consultancies we will evaluate together with you your business needs and we will find the best solution for your Company
Excellent Legal Tech services for the technological innovation



P&G provides to you a tailor-made business legal service and you will only choose the best service standard pocket fit for your company’s need



We will be your External Legal Office for an agreed number of days per week. P&G will be fully committed to achieve your business goals



You and P&G will decide which business legal tasks shall be included in the service pocket